Core Features

Our forms are built from the ground up to match your business practices and workflows. Forms can be associated directly with one of your clients or used with other features in Need Navigator. Our form automation system helps you streamline your day by generating tasks, or alerting your team when forms are submitted. When you’re ready to review your information, you can use our powerful report generator to filter and export your data.


Schedule and organize your team’s meetings, counseling sessions, or other visits with your clients quickly and easily. Record one-on-one or group visits. Visits are organized and categorized using your organization’s customized visit types and reasons, and are easily exportable for the purpose of review or reporting.


Need to refer a client to another agency or another one of your programs? Need Navigator will help you track those referrals and generate reports.


Keep all your memos, messages and other communications in one place. Need Navigator records the simple day-to-day communications as well as notes and messages directly concerning your clients.

Notes & Messages

Organize what you donate, who receives your donations, and where the item or funding came from. Our system can quickly and easily track and record simple hand outs as well as large monetary grants requiring manager sign-off and extensive documentation.

Needs & Resources

Keep your client’s important documents, photos, and other media organized and easily accessible from anywhere. Our system is backed up nightly and secured so you won’t have to worry about losing a document.

Online Client Files

For your simple day-to-day duties, our tasks feature allows you to create and assign tasks to any team that exists in the system. Let Need Navigator simplify your workflow by automatically adding tasks when requests are made or forms are filled out. Tasks are organized by program and completion status for easy management.


Help your clients reach their goals by keeping them organized in Need Navigator. Add steps as well as deadlines to help keep your clients accountable. For managers, goals are organized by program and completion status for easy review.
